Tag Archives: reteaching strategies

Reteaching Strategies for Biology

Before discussing reteaching strategies for biology it is important for you to understand that there is not a “silver bullet.”

Do not let that deter you from trying to find what works best for YOU and YOUR students.

There are several factors to consider when deciding on how to reteach your students.

Finding time for reteaching

  • When will the reteaching take place?
  • Are you willing to come in early or stay late? (It is okay if you are not able to)
  • Is there a time period during the day that is designated for this within your schedule?
  • Can you reteach students during your lunch period? (not ideal, but could be an option)
  • Is your school/district willing to compensate you for arranging sessions after school or during the evening?

Some unique ways to find time:

  • In school blitz sessions. Depending on your school, their flexibility and emphasis on test scores this idea may or may not go over. I have seen this be fairly successful for second time test takers. The day of the test students do not report to class at all. Instead, they report to a morning blitz sessions where one or several biology teachers rotate students through hands on stations that refresh their memory on specific content standards. Student then eat lunch and take the state test.
  • If you research podcasts (Bozeman, CrashCourse, Khan Academy, Amoeba Sisters) and have students complete assignment on their own to earn something (examples below). This is not the ideal circumstance since it is kind of like homework and it is likely these students were not doing their homework.

Strategies for Reteaching Students for the Sake of Meeting the State Biology Testing Requirements

I hate even writing the line above but the reality is that states require students to pass exams for graduation. With that, it is your job to help them be as successful as possible even when the students are brought to tears by the thought of taking the biology test. (I have witnessed this on many occasions)

How can you possibly do this effectively?

The first thing you need is a “carrot” or something to make the students want to come and learn and not just because they have to pass the test.  I know what some of you are thinking. How can I offer these kids a “carrot” and reward these students who are not getting it right the first time?

I understand the perspective but we have to look at the situation through a different lens.

Not all student have an affinity for science, biology or even school for that matter.

Not all student are coming to you from the a world of love, support, structure and some may even be battling health and family issues you are not  aware of.  Learning does not coming easy to all students.

Check out our Full Biology Curriculum.


Motivational Ideas for Students Who Attend and Participate FULLY

The ideas below   I have used in the past that have worked well. They were all funded and supported by the school/district and not the teachers.

  • Offer points to students just for attending and participating in the sessions.
  • Create punch cards with your states or the NGSS standards on them. Each sessions student attend they get their card punched. If they complete all of their sessions they get something (examples below).
  • Pizza Party for “X” number of sessions attended
  • Graduation fees waived
  • 2 extra graduation tickets for family (if your school does this)
  • Each session attended is an entry into a drawing for a gift card
  • Each session attended could increase their test/ class grade by “X points/%”
  • Attend “X” number of sessions and get to go on the Gaming Truck. Yes, that is a tractor trail truck that has video games systems in tow in addition to sumo suits! This happened. The students were humble and grateful.
  • Reach out to local businesses and ask for support (gift cards and even free passes)

Reteaching Biology Content

When it comes to reteaching the content, especially for the sake of passing the state assessment, less is more.

Cut out anything that goes beyond the state standards and hone in on only what the students will need to know.

Try a different approach. The first time did not work so well. Do something new. Aim for hands-on activities and get the student to talk about what they are doing.



  • Hit the vocabulary hard. Have students use the key terms.
  • Use Quizlet Live to help students practice vocabulary.

Scripted Teaching with a Diagram

  • Provide diagrams and a script of a processes (protein synthesis, photosynthesis, cellular respiration ect..)  and have student read the script of the process while using their finger to follow the process on the diagram. Have students  teach each other the processes in the same manner. Start will a script and then take the script away.

Hands-on Activities

Small Groups

  • Use small group or one on one direct instruction to get started.
  • Set up stations that cover content standard or topics and rotate students through the stations.

Questions Review

  • Print sample constructed response questions with the answers. Each students gets a different question. Have students partner up with each other and ask each other questions on their cards. If the students do not know the answer the other student reads the answer and then asks the student again. When they are done the find someone with a different questions. Student do this until the have rotated through each question. They will then have had exposure to a whole bunch of different questions and answers. This strategy works well for helping students understand what the answers for constructed responses should sound like.

For Reteaching Strategies on Classroom Assessment and Corrections. Check out my post on “THE BEST ASSESSMENT STRATEGY TO INCREASE ACHIEVEMENT IN BIOLOGY”

Click here to Learn More

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