Tag Archives: mutations worksheet

Mutations and Biotechnology Worksheets

Using our Biology Curriculum, your students will be introduced to mutations and biotechnology using a variety of activities and worksheets.

mutations worksheets

Download your mutations worksheet below!

Engage your students!

Students will be engaged with an interesting video on mutations. Students are always interested when mutations are mentioned. Aside from talking about reproduction, this topic tends to generate some of the best questions from students.

After watching the video students will use their guided notes to follow along with a few PPT slides that introduce students to various mutations. Students will then complete a mutations worksheet prior to exiting the class.

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Never Plan Again! We have done it for you!

Throughout all the USBT curriculum student a given a variety of NGSS aligned activities each class period. These activities only scratch the surface of what you get in our Mutations and Biotechnology unit as a USBT member.

karyotyping worksheet

Over the course of the unit students explore karyotyping using our karyotyping worksheets and activities. Students also use gel electrophoresis to identify suspects from a crime scene!

Download your DNA Gel Electrophoresis Worksheet Below!

Do not worry if you do not have access to all the equipment to perform the lab. The USBT lesson plans have alternatives such as online simulations with worksheets already done for you.

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In addition, your students will learn about the most recent biotechnological advancements as they work through our Full Biology Curriculum.  The will explore biotechnology like CRISPR cas9 and PCR’s.

If you like the activities we have shared here, you will love our Full Biology Curriculum. This is just a small sample of what is available to you!

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