Evolution Project
Check out this evolution research project! You students will choose an organism and research it’s evolutionary history.
This aligns perfectly with all of the Next Generation Science Standards for evolution by natural selection.
The evolution worksheet can be downloaded below.
The worksheet serves as a guide for students as they research the evolutionary history of the organism. There is also a rubric that can be downloaded in the members area of USBT.
Tips for Using this Evolution Activity
My student have produced some amazing presentations using this evolution research project.
BEWARE: One of the most challenging aspects of the assignment for the students is going to citing evidence for a specific type of speciation that occurred with their organism.

I always tell my students to use a phylogenetic tree to help them identify the divergence between two species. I have them research the type of speciation that occurred between those two organisms.
Evolution Worksheet

Your students will need to dig in and do real research on their organisms.
First, students will identify the organism by the Genus and Species name.
Next, your students will answer a series of questions about the evolution organism they chose to research.
Evolution Research Questions
What are some of the most recent common ancestors of the organism you are researching?
Search for the phylogenetic tree or a cladogram of the organism.
Analyze the phylogenetic and include a discussion about the shared characteristic in your presentation.
HS-LS4-1. What evidence supports your organism having the common ancestors you describe above?
HS-LS4-3 What advantageous heritable trait(s) does the organism have that has resulted in organisms with the trait to increase in proportion to organisms lacking this trait?
Identify and cite evidence for one type of speciation that occurred in the evolutionary history of your organism.
HSLS 4-5 Based on your research what types of selective or environmental pressures does/did your organism face?
HS-LS2-8 Does the organism you researched engage in a group or individual behavior that increases the chances for the individual or species to survive and reproduce?
What types genetic variation exist in individuals in the species due to mutation and sexual reproduction?
What competition exists/ed for limited resources for your organism?
What makes your organism better able to survive and reproduce in the environment.
HS-LS4-4. Construct an explanation based on evidence from your research for how natural selection leads to adaptations of populations in your organism.
After completing their research, students will build a presentation. I give my students options for the type of presentation that they can do.
Some of my students even implemented a green screen for recording their videos!
You can access the rubric and editable versions of this assignment inside the USBT community.
You can also access everything we have ever created, a FULL BIOLOGY CURRICULUM! all in one, nice, organized place with instructions on how to use it.

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