Do your students struggle learning about the cell?
In our Full Biology Curriculum, students complete a variety of cell organelle worksheets and activities to help them learn cell structure and function. Check out our popular cell boxing activity post!

Do I even need to teach them about cells and their organelles?
If you ask your students if they have heard of cells they will likely say yes. They may even shout out words like mitochondria, chloroplast and nucleus.
For a moment you may even think…..I do not have to teach them cells. They know it! I will finally be able to make up some time and get all of the content in before our state assessment this year.
Not So Fast!
Pump the brakes!!! Give those students a pre-assessment to apply those words they yelled out and you will likely find they have no clue! Let’s chalk it up to the summer break and dig in to teaching them about cells.
In our Full Biology Curriculum students start off analyzing a picture of some cork cells under a microscope. A picture of the same cells Robert Hooke viewed when he coined the term “cell” that we use today.
Next, our students complete a microscope lab where they view a different types of cells under the microscope and fill in their cell worksheet as they complete the lab.
Cell Organelle Worksheet
Students also complete our cell boxing activity to help them get some extra practice with the main cell organelles structures and functions.
Within our curriculum, students practice labeling the cell on the cell organelle worksheet, identifying the differences between chromosomes, chromatin and microscope labeling.
Students also have a blast going outside and creating diagrams of cells and organelles in our cell sidewalk chalk activity!
Download the cell organelle worksheet using the button above to and get started teaching your students about cells. If you want every day of lessons for your entire year of Biology check out our Biology Curriculum. It includes everything you need for the entire year with detailed plans on how to teach it!
Check out our two weeks of free lesson plans with every minute planned out for you. If you like this you will love our Full Biology Curriculum.
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