Category Archives: Lab

Exploring Mitosis and Meiosis In The Lab

Mitosis and Meiosis…what’s the difference?

In this virtual lab, your students will learn about mitosis and meiosis. These two types of cell division seem very similar on the surface but have several key differences which students will encounter in this activity.

Mitosis consists of one cell division, whereas meiosis consists of two successive cell divisions. In mitosis, the result is two daughter cells but in meiosis the result is four daughter cells. When cells divide in mitosis, the daughter cells are genetically the same but in meiosis, daughter cells are genetically different. These are just some of the differences in these two processes.

There are some similarities, too. Each process goes through the same phases and ends with cytokinesis. Both processes end with the sister chromatids at opposite sides of the cell as well.

What will my students learn?

Students will learn the phases of mitosis: interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase and cytokinesis.

And the phases of meiosis: interphase, prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase I and cytokinesis. (This process then repeats.)

Click here to download lab worksheet

Students will fill in the data table, answer questions and create a Venn diagram to help them grasp the similarities and differences of the two processes.

Students will complete the interactive lab activity which allows them to visualize how mitosis and meiosis happen under a microscope. This is my favorite part of the lab!

Once they have gone through both sections, students will get a chance to compare mitosis and meiosis side by side at the same time.

Can you list some other differences between mitosis and meiosis?

Please leave a comment and let us know how the lab went!

Download Virtual Mitosis and Meiosis Lab

Virtual Microscope lab

What will your students learn in this virtual microscope lab?

In this virtual microscope lab, your students will learn about different types of microscopes. 

Students will explore the light microscope and the electron microscopes.  

Students will learn about the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the transmission electron microscope (TEM)

Students will also “Evaluate the frontier of molecular and cellular research before and after the invention of microscopes” while completing this virtual microscope lab.


Virtual Microscope Lab Worksheet Image
Virtual Microscope Lab Worksheet Download

Exploring Microscope Magnification

Students will have an opportunity to explore different microscope magnifications by using following the procedures.

Student have no idea how different specimens can look at different magnifications. 

This lab is a great way to introduce your students to microscopes.

This lab will allow students to see how scientists know what many the structures they will be studying actually look like. 


Check out this in-class microscope lab


Mystery Specimen Identification

One of my favorite parts of this lab is when students have to identify a mystery specimen. 

How many specimens can you identify from the list below? 


Do you need more lesson plans? Get two weeks of lesson here.


Student will use the online microscope and look at different specimens until the can match them with one from the chart (pictured below).

Download the lab by click on the blue button below.

Virtual Microscope Lab Worksheet Download

I hope you and your students enjoy this virtual microscope lab!

Stop back and drop a comment about how it went! 

#virtualmicroscopelab   #microscopesactivities #biologycurriculum 

Click Here to Get Two Weeks of Free Lessons

How to Teach Scientific Writing in Biology

Teaching Students to Write Scientific Articles and Lab Reports

The importance of being able to understand and explain in clear language the meaning of fundamental scientific concepts is central to science literacy. One study examining factors that influenced student success in scientific writing found that the only accurate predictor was prior scientific writing experience.

Students need practice, and it is up to science instructors to require students to write in their classes and to seek the best ways to teach them to write effectively.

Other studies have demonstrated that an explicit focus on building students’ scientific writing abilities also improves students’ critical thinking skills, their ability to read and understand scientific literature, and their overall success in the biology curriculum. Thus, for multiple reasons, there is a real need for practical tools to facilitate scientific writing instruction.

Click here to download the lab report rubric and template

Click here to download the lab report rubric and template

Students make the most progress in their writing when assignments are broken into small chunks. When discussing any research study, it is essential to understand the purpose, the process, and the findings.

A successful ‘Results’ section weaves together all three of these aspects, so it is a good place to start. Have students work in pairs or small groups and read the ‘Results’ paragraph of a published article. They will then answer the following five questions:

1) WHY? was the experiment performed. What question was it trying to answer?

 2) HOW? was the question approached; what was actually done? Summarizing the procedure helps students make connections between their experimental question and the data. The details of the procedure should be sufficient to interpret the data, but not as detailed as in the Materials and Methods section.

3)WHERE? In which table or figure are the data shown? For example, “As shown in Table 2…” or at the end of a sentence (Figure3). 

4) WHAT? A full description of the actual results of the experiment is next. This is not a list of all the data, but it should describe overall trends over time and differences between samples at each time point.

5) So? This is a discussion; based on the results, what is the answer to the original question? In scientific writing, it’s important to connect the WHAT? (what you observed in the experiment) to the SO?, ie. the original question the experiment was trying to answer. From there, the conclusion could go on to compare the data from this study to other published data from similar studies, and then to a proposal for further follow-up experiments or a suggestion of the broader implications of the results.

Once students have thoroughly dissected the article, assess them by having each student write a ‘Results’ section for an experiment they have performed in class. You can click here to download the Mealworm Lab! Once they master ‘Results’, other sections can be introduced in similar fashion.


1.Jerde CL, Taper ML. 2004. Preparing undergraduates for professional writing:  evidence supporting the benefits of scientific writing within the biology curriculum. J Coll Sci Teach. 33:33-36.

2. Libarkin J, Ording G. 2012. The utility of writing assignments in undergraduate bioscience. CBE Life Sci Educ. 11:39-46.

3. Quitadamo IJ, Kurtz MJ. 2007. Learning to improve:  using writing to increase critical thinking performance in general biology education. CBE Life Sci Educ. 6:140-154.

4.Brownell SE, Price JV, Steinman L. 2013. A writing-intensive course improves biology undergraduates’ perception and confidence of their abilities to read scientific literature and communicate science. Adv Physiol Educ. 37:70-79.

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#biologyteaching #scientificwriting

Lab Report Rubric and Guide

Lab Report Writing Made Easy for Students!

When I first started teaching, I wanted my students to write lab report base on the mealworm lab(see post) that I had them do.

It did not take long to realize that they needed all the help they could get!


It is not a surprise. They had never had to write a lab report before.

In order to help them I spent countless hours building this lab report template and guide that the student could use to help them build high quality lab reports.


I developed a lab report rubric that is about as detailed as it can get. It makes lab reports very easy to do and grade. It is based on 110 point scale.  


Do you need a Full Biology Curriculum? We have you covered. Every day of the year is planned out for you. Check it out here!



Click here to download the lab report rubric and template