Category Archives: experimental design

Enhance Biology Learning with Engaging Graphing Activities: Free Resources Inside!

Are you looking for innovative ways to engage your students in graphing activities while reinforcing key concepts in biology? Look no further! We’re excited to introduce you to a set of dynamic graphing practice exercises tailored specifically for the biology classroom.

Why Graphing Practice Matters in Biology

Graphing is an essential skill in biology that not only helps students visualize data but also strengthens their analytical and critical thinking abilities. By interpreting graphs, students can better understand biological phenomena, identify patterns, and draw evidence-based conclusions. Moreover, graphing activities promote scientific literacy and prepare students for real-world applications in research and data analysis.

Introducing Biology Graphing Practice Activities

Our BioBoost Biology Graphing Practice activities allowing students to explore various biological concepts through data analysis and visualization. These activities cover a range of topics, from enzyme kinetics to ecosystem dynamics, and are suitable for middle school, high school, and introductory college-level biology courses.

What You’ll Find in Our Graphing Activities:

  • Engaging Data Sets: Each activity includes carefully curated data sets relevant to biological phenomena, ensuring that students encounter authentic scenarios.
  • Thoughtful Analysis Questions: Thought-provoking analysis questions accompany each graphing activity, prompting students to interpret their findings and draw meaningful conclusions.
  • Differentiated Tasks: We offer differentiated tasks within each activity to cater to diverse learning needs and challenge students at varying proficiency levels.

Check out our other BioBoost Activities!

Why You Should Incorporate Graphing Practice in Your Classroom:

  • Reinforce Content Knowledge: Graphing activities provide a valuable opportunity for students to reinforce their understanding of key biological concepts such as enzymes, population dynamics, and cellular processes.
  • Foster Inquiry-Based Learning: By engaging in graphing activities, students become active participants in the learning process, fostering inquiry-based learning and developing essential scientific skills.
  • Promote Data Literacy: In an era inundated with data, equipping students with strong graphing skills empowers them to critically evaluate and interpret scientific information effectively.
  • Prepare for STEM Careers: Graphing practice lays the foundation for future success in STEM fields by honing students’ data analysis and visualization skills, essential for careers in biology, medicine, ecology, and beyond.

Get Your Free “Biology Graphing Practice” Activities Today!

Ready to incorporate these dynamic graphing activities into your biology curriculum? Elevate your students’ learning experience and transform biology lessons into engaging and interactive explorations.

Join us in empowering the next generation of biologists through hands-on graphing practice. Together, let’s inspire curiosity, foster scientific inquiry, and cultivate a deeper appreciation for the wonders of biology.

To receive your free “Biology Graphing Practice” activities click the link below and we will email three graphing activities to you! If you are a member you have access to all of our BioBoost Graphing Activities in the general course documents section.

Thank you for your dedication to enriching biology education!

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Unleash the Power of the Scientific Method with Our Worksheet!

Scientific Method Review Worksheet. A Bioboost review.

Scientific Method Review

Are you searching for an engaging and comprehensive resource to teach the scientific method? Look no further! Our meticulously crafted worksheet is designed to captivate your students’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the scientific method. Let’s dive into the exciting world of scientific exploration together! Download this worksheet with the blue button below!

Unlock the Secrets of Science: Scientific Method Worksheet

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BioBoost-Scientific Method

Our “Understanding the Scientific Method in Plant Growth” worksheet is a treasure trove of educational value. This resource introduces the scientific method, explores each step in detail using real-world examples, and covers essential terms that are vital for a solid foundation in scientific instruction.

Why Choose Our Worksheet?

Click here to download the worksheet
  1. Comprehensive Overview: The worksheet provides a step-by-step overview of the scientific method, ensuring that students grasp the process from observation to conclusion.
  2. Real-World Application: We take the scientific method out of the textbook and into the real world by applying it to the fascinating realm of plant growth. Students will explore how different substances, like water and fertilizer, can impact plant development.
  3. Key Terms Demystified: Concepts like independent variable, dependent variable, control, constant, bias, hypothesis, theory, law, and belief are clearly explained, making the terminology accessible to students.
  4. Engaging Questions: Thought-provoking questions are included, encouraging critical thinking and reinforcing the concepts covered in the worksheet.
  1. Scientific Method Worksheet: Dive into an immersive scientific journey with our comprehensive worksheet.
  2. Scientific Method Activity: Transform your classroom into a hub of scientific exploration with our engaging activities.
  3. Scientific Method Review: Strengthen your students’ understanding of the scientific method with our thorough and informative review.

Why is our Worksheet Perfect for Your Classroom?

  • Easy Integration: Seamlessly integrate this resource into your lesson plans, whether you’re teaching in-person or online.
  • Suitable for 8th Grade Reading Level: The content is carefully crafted to be accessible and engaging for 8th-grade students, ensuring a smooth learning experience.
  • Promotes Critical Thinking: Encourage your students to think critically and apply scientific principles to real-world scenarios.

Check other scientific method worksheets here!

How to Access the Worksheet:

Getting your hands on this invaluable resource is just a click away. Visit our website and download the “Scientific Method BioBoost Worksheet” worksheet for an enriching and interactive classroom experience. This is a great activity to use for your sub plans.


Ignite the spark of scientific curiosity in your students with our meticulously designed worksheet. Whether you’re a seasoned educator or just starting your teaching journey, this resource is your key to unlocking the wonders of the scientific method. Download now and watch your students embark on a scientific adventure like never before!

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Scientific Method Worksheet

Scientific Method Worksheet

Why is teaching the scientific method so challenging?  Using these scientific method worksheets in sequence will help improve your student’s understanding.

Why does the sequence matter?

Scientific Method Worksheet

Teaching the scientific method offers several challenges. Using our sequence of scientific method worksheets and other scientific method practice activities your students will deepen their understanding of the scientific method.

Vocabulary is always a struggle for students especially if it is their first exposure to the terms.

Terms like independent variable, dependent variable, control, constant, hypothesis and  prediction are terms that are improperly used in everyday language.

How can you fix it?

Identifying student misconceptions is the first step in helping your students be successful in experimental design implementation.  Every class could have different misconceptions to address. To fix it, read on.

How to identify misconceptions?

One strategy you can use to identify student misconceptions is to simply ask them to define the terms in their own words. To do this, use one of my favorite strategies that many of my followers are already using. Click here to subscribe.

Use a beach ball(see related post).  Write the vocabulary terms on the beach ball using a dry erase marker and toss it around the room.

When the student’s left thumb lands on a term ask them to say what they think the definition of the term is.

Toss the beach ball around the room until you have a good understanding of their background knowledge and misconceptions of the scientific method vocabulary. Use this same technique after students have learned the words. This activity offers great repetition and can fill the last few minutes of class if you finish early.

Scientific Method-Inquiry

In addition, you can allow students to dive right in to designing an experiment using our Paper Folding Scientific Method Worksheet.

The Paper folding scientific method worksheet is the first in our sequence. The activity uses scientific inquiry and will allow you to see a wide range of your student’s ability levels and misconceptions on the first day of class.
Paper Folding Scientific Method Worksheet

After understanding and addressing your student’s misconceptions of the scientific method, you can present the  proper terminology to the students.

You can use our Experimental Design Notes. This presentation is part of our Scientific Method Unit  (experimental design) that you can access free.

Check out our Full Biology Curriculum

The second scientific method worksheet in our sequence allows students to practice only independent and dependent variables in a variety of scenarios.

Independent variable and dependent variable worksheet

Why does this matter?

Focusing only independent and dependent variable this Independent and dependent variable worksheet allows students the opportunity to truly understand the terms and apply them to scenarios without being overwhelmed by other vocabulary terms.


The next scientific method worksheet requires students to analyze entire experiments in the Experimental Design Scenarios Worksheet.

In this sequence, your students start off  simple and progressively move to more complex tasks.

It Gets Better!

Next, students design there own experiment using mealworms (Super worms are best). Using the scientific method students make observations,  research, develop a question, hypothesis, identify variables,  write procedures, carry out an investigation, collect and analyze data and share their results in a lab report using our awesome lab report rubric and template that is included in our free scientific method unit!

Get access to our entire scientific method unit and more <click here>

Simple right?

Unfortunately, many teachers fail to use this simple approach because they just to do not have them time to sit down and create or find all of the worksheets they need.

We have them done for you! 

And a lot more! 

Sign up here for regular email freebies and access to our free scientific method unit!

scientific method lesson plans

Hypothesis Practice- Get your Students to Practice Hypothesis Writing

Hypothesis Practice

This week my students practiced writing a hypothesis. To practice writing a hypothesis have  your students complete this engaging activity that gives the them a chance to practice their hypothesis writing.  This activity requires a 2 liter bottle, water and tape (masking or painting). Prepare the bottle by drilling three holes vertically in a straight line  about and inch apart. The holes should be  slightly smaller than a pencil eraser. I have used scissors and twisted them until the a hole was made but a drill is much easier if you have it.  Once the holes are drilled place some tape over the holes and fill it with water.

3 hole bottle









Your bottle is now ready for the class.  Prior to getting started  with the hypothesis practice have the students create a chart that looks like the one below making sure they save room to write inside the chart. If students are using an interactive notebook have them place this chart on the right side.








On the left side of the their interactive notebook students will record their initial observations and their sketch. When students are done  with the entire activity it will look like this.

Student digital example








To begin this activity, walk around the room to each student so they can closely observe the bottle and record their observations. This is where  you can emphasize details in their observation records. After walking around ask the class for a volunteer who isn’t afraid of water. Bring the student to the front of the class and sit them in a desk and give them a paper towel to put on top of their head (optional).  The purpose for involving a student is for dramatic effect and student engagement and it works very well! In addition.I also ask students after we are done if it influenced what they thought might happen and then use that as an opportunity to discuss bias. They shouldn’t actually get more than a drop or two of water on them if all goes well.  While holding the bottle over the volunteers head ask the class to record their hypothesis about what will happen when the tape is pulled past the first hole. Ask students to write the hypothesis. Have the students share their hypothesis with the class. Next, pull the tape past the first hole while holding it over your volunteers head. If everything is done correctly, no water will come out of the first hole. Students record their observations and record why they think it happened the way it did or any questions they may have.  Move on and repeat this for the next two holes. Have the students make a hypothesis before each  a new hole is exposed. Water will come out of the next two holes so I strategically have a trash can to catch the water and avoid getting it on the volunteer. Though this activity is simple, students love it.

I overheard one of my IEP students talking to the Co-teacher and he said: “This is actually pretty fun!”

Explanation of the Observations

Hole 1

When the tape is pulled past the first hole you should observe that little to no water comes out of the bottle depending on how full it is. The more full it is the less water will come out.

Why? When you fill the bottle and close the cap, the top of the bottle becomes closed off from the atmosphere. When you remove the tape past the first hole, some water may flow out and decrease the pressure of the air that remains in the bottle. Once the pressure is decreased enough (usually only a few small drops of water) the water is held in because the pressure difference from the air inside of the bottle is less that outside of the bottle.

Hole 2

When the tape is pulled past the second hole, the water will flow out of the second hole. If you observe closely you will notice air is flowing into the first hole allowing the pressure inside of the bottle to increase and water to flow out of the second hole.

Hole 3

When the tape is pulled past all three holes, the air still flows into the first hole (top) allowing water to flow out of both the second and third hole.  The water in the third hole will stream farther than the second hole due to the increase pressure from the additional water.

Try it out. Comment below on how it goes!


Independent and Dependent Variable Worksheet

Independent and Dependent Variable Worksheet

Many students struggle when learning about the independent and dependent variable. When teaching them the independent and dependent variable I try to simplify the two terms to be as simple as possible but still allow students to apply the definitions to an actual scientific experiment or scenario.

The independent variable can be defined as the variable that is manipulated. It is what the experimenter is adding to the experimental group. To simplify the independent variable for students I use the single word (changed) for the definition.

The dependent variable can be defined as the responding variable. The depend variable  can be simplified for students by mentioning that the dependent variable is the variable that is measured or counted.

To help my students get plenty of practice with this concept I have created a simple independent and dependent variable worksheet that gives them  some practice applying the independent and dependent variable to actual experiments.

This worksheet is one of many the my email subscribers regularly get delivered right to their inbox. Sign up here  to get more free worksheet and printable and so you do not miss out.









IV and DV Scenarios-PDF