Cell Transport Worksheet

In our Full Biology Curriculum  your students will work through a variety of cell transport worksheets that will help your students build confidence and truly understand  the concept of cell transport.

Cell Transport Worksheet
Get your copy below


The curriculum starts with a demonstration that will allow your students to understand how molecules move from a high concentration to a low concentration.

“Thank you so much for these resources! They are incredible!” – Janice 

In this free cell transport worksheet students have to identify which concentration of salt each blood cell was placed in.

Students are also presented with guided notes that will allow you to work through the notes at reasonable pace. Throughout the guided notes students learn about both passive and active transport.


“These resources are fantastic for practical application in the classroom!”-Krystal 

Cell transport

Each day your students will complete a bell ringer and reinforce the lessons using cell transport worksheets and exit activities that will help them review the cell transport lesson from the day.


Students also explore cell transport using our popular lab where students investigate the impact of salt on plant cells using a real life scenario. You can get instant access to all of our cell transport activities and entire curriculum with a few clicks.


You are the BEST place for resources I have ever found -thank you,thank you!!! ❤ -Therese



#celltransport #biologyteaching

Cell Organelle Worksheet

Do your students struggle learning about the cell?

In our Full Biology Curriculum, students complete a variety of cell organelle worksheets and activities to help them learn cell structure and function. Check out our popular cell boxing activity post!

Included in our Full Biology Curriculum

Do I even need to teach them about cells and their organelles?

If you ask your students if they have heard of cells they will likely say yes. They may even shout out words like mitochondria, chloroplast and nucleus.

For a moment you may even think…..I do not have to teach them cells. They know it! I will finally be able to make up some time and get all of the content in before our state assessment this year.

Not So Fast!

Pump the brakes!!! Give those students a pre-assessment to apply those words they yelled out and you will likely find they have no clue! Let’s chalk it up to the summer break and dig in to teaching them about cells.

In our Full Biology Curriculum students start off analyzing a picture of some cork cells under a microscope. A picture of the same cells Robert Hooke viewed when he coined the term “cell” that we use today.



Next, our students complete a microscope lab where they view a different types of cells under the microscope and fill in their cell worksheet as they complete the lab.

Cell Organelle Worksheet

Students also complete our cell boxing activity to help them get some extra practice with the main cell organelles structures and functions.


cell organelle worksheetWithin our curriculum, students practice labeling the cell on the cell organelle worksheet,  identifying the differences between chromosomes, chromatin and microscope labeling.


Students also have a blast going outside and creating diagrams of cells and organelles in our cell sidewalk chalk activity!

Download the cell organelle worksheet using the button above to and get started teaching your students about cells. If you want every day of lessons for your entire year of Biology check out our Biology Curriculum.  It includes everything you need for the entire year with detailed plans on how to teach it!



Check out our two weeks of free lesson plans with every minute planned out for you. If you like this you will love our Full Biology Curriculum.


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Enzyme Worksheet

In our enzyme unit we offer a variety of enzyme worksheets and other enzyme activities. Check out our free enzyme worksheet and other resources below.

(download your  enzyme worksheet… read below)

In the unit students complete the enzyme worksheet, enzyme lab and other enzyme activities so students will be able to label an enzyme, identify the factors that effect enzyme activity, perform a lab and report the results and draw conclusions  using a formal lab report.

Enzyme Worksheet
Download below

How is the unit structured?

When students enter the classroom they always ask or think “What are we doing today?”

Not in a USBT classroom!



Why? Because all of our units have a daily agenda that is made just for students. All you need to do is project the agenda. This is a major factor in helping you establish your procedures and expectations.

Get the students learning right away!Enzyme Daily Agenda

Bell Ringers

Bell ringers or warm ups are also included for every day of instruction. They are a little different each day and  your students will always have an engaging activity to start class.

Enzyme Video Bell Ringer

For this unit, we open with an enzyme video. After watching the video introduction, students complete their enzyme notes. Every unit we have includes power point notes for the and guided  notes for the students to complete while you go over the unit presentation.

guided notes

Within our guided student notes, students are able to follow along and the class can still move at a reasonable pace.

On the enzyme worksheet students label an enzyme and interpret graphs related to enzyme activity.

Hands-on Enzyme Lab!

In our unit students also complete an enzyme lab. In this lab students make qualitative observations to determine the effects of pH and temperature on the enzyme activity.Enzyme Lab


College Readiness Extension!

After the enzyme lab students can use our lab report rubric and guided template to produce a high quality lab report. Every year I have students come back to me and ask me for a copy of this guide so they can use it in their other classes to produce a lab report.

If you like these activities, you will love our Full Biology Curriculum. Everything you need for your year of teaching Biology is already done for you. Check it out!

Biology Lesson Plans

Macromolecules Worksheet


In our Full Biology Curriculum, we use a variety of macromolecules worksheets. One of the macromolecule worksheets that help the students organize the information is our macromolecule graphic organizer. Get  the Macromolecule Worksheet here.macromolecule worksheet

In this macromolecule worksheet students identify the elements, monomer, function and complete a sketch of each macromolecule.

After completing this macromolecule worksheet students are always referring back to it. It offers them a way to organize their thoughts and have a quick reference sheet.

My students love practicing the macromolecules using the macromolecule boxing activity. Check out my post about it here!

Here is a video showing the macromolecule boxes.

Get your Macromolecule Boxes and Two Weeks of Lessons Here!



Check this out too!

Students complete a fun macromolecule sidewalk chalk activity. It certainly beats having them create a poster.

Students love this activity. They just follow our macromolecule sidewalk chalk handout and are able to make excellent drawings. You can also grade it quickly and easily with our included rubric!

Macromolecule Activity

A Real “Gallery Walk”

In our Full Biology Curriculum, after students master the macromolecules they examine the stomach contents of a murder victim!

Biology Lesson Plans

If you like these activities and the macromolecule worksheet you will love or Full Biology Curriculum. It includes tons of awesome activities that are practical for the classroom.

Our lessons are written by award winning teachers and have every single day of your Biology class planned out and waiting for you.

Every detail of every day is done for you!


Get 10 Days of Free Lessons and the Macromolecule Boxes Here!


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Macromolecule Activity

Do your students struggle with macromolecules?

I developed this macromolecule activity after reviewing our student’s scores on the state exam. Initially, this was the lowest scoring area for students in my school and district (5 high schools). After implementing this activity this standard was our student’s second highest scoring area.

Click here to get your copy of the Macromolecule Activity

In this macromolecule activity, students use the macromolecule boxes and the structure, function, building block (monomer), and pictures of each macromolecule.

View our video of this activity on our Facebook page! 

In this macromolecule activity students will use the game cards to keep score and compete with each other. In addition, there two other activities included to help students build their confidence with these critical bio-molecules.

Macromolecule Boxes

Using the macromolecule activity, an area that was once a weakness for my students on the state assessment became a strength.

This unit and activity are included in our Full Biology Curriculum which you can get here.

Check out the video. See how quickly you will be able to assess your student’s knowledge of the macromolecules.  Can you spot the errors?

If you like this activity share it with your teacher friends,

You will also love our Full Biology Curriculum. Every unit is designed by real teachers who are still practicing teachers.

See what our members have to say!

“Thank you so much for these resources! They are incredible!” – Janice 

“These resources are fantastic for practical application in the classroom!”-Krystal

Biology Curriculum

We Help Teachers Save Time, Engage Students and Love Teaching