All posts by Brad Grey

Back to School- Learning Names

As I was preparing my first day lesson I realized I have failed to share on of my favorite first day activities with my readers. With a shortened schedule due to administrative tasks and going over the syllabus and the safety contract for my course I tend to shy away from getting into anything to in-depth the first day. I do however use the first day to go over necessary procedures and to learn the names of my students. To learn the names of my students I use a simple activity the I call  “Dog” . It goes like this. I say my name followed by the word “dog” i,e.   “Grey Dog” and then say another students name followed by “dog” i.e. “Jane Dog”.  Jane would then have to say her name again “Jane Dog” and choose another student followed by the “dog”.As a class we go around the room randomly. Though the activity is a bit “corny”  the students enjoy it and I learn over a 100 names within the first week. Knowing the students names allows me to address behavioral issue much more easily and during the game the outgoing and talkative students stand out which makes it easy to head off future issues. 

Test Corrections

Today one of my students asked me “Can we do test corrections to improve our grade?”.  After some deliberation, I caved. My objective is student learning and of course I am held accountable for their scores.  They will have to earn those points. Below is the template I used. It worked well.  It allowed student to use their notes and the book to help them figure out what they did wrong. They were not allow to ask their neighbors for any help.


Test Corrections Template:

Question#:____ Wrong Answer:____ Correct Answer:___

My original answer was wrong because ____________________________


The correct answer is correct because ____________________________

Show Work:(where applicable)

Create a Pedigree Chart

As an extension to inheritance of traits, students analysed and created a pedigree chart based on a passage that was given.  The pedigree was placed into their Interactive Notebook as pictured below.

On left: Students create a pedigree based on the story. On Right: A key making a pedigree chart.
On left: Students create a pedigree based on the story. On Right: A key for making a pedigree chart.

Punnett Square Practice-Interactive Notebook

wpid-20130307_210610.jpgHere is an excellent set of  five punnett square practice problems students could complete after getting the basics down. I had my students color code them in their interactive notebooks.